Ars Magicka Rant

Having played and gm'd both Ars Magicka and World of Darkness (Mage/Vampire/Wraith) i'd like to elaborate on the following:

As a WoD follower -- i liked the Ars Magicka link till the medieval versions of the relevant major Setting came about.

As a ArM follower -- i never liked the link to WoD, because it gave away too much of the upstream history to happen doing away with much of the fantasy content.

Still, IIRC having played ArM as a chronicle mostly on two differing Levels:

Covenant Style as a Play by Email

Mixed Party/Troupe Style for major events or individual stories on round table.

The PnP/RT outlasted the PBEM by a couple of years at least on my part, as i became dissatisfied with covenant management (note: the PBEM seams still ongoing after some 14 years by some sources)

If there is a need to play a party of medieval/fantasy style magick users, ArM is IMHO your best choice available today, followed by  Mythus/Aerth, RoleMaster or Earthdawn -- your milage may vary, mine does significantly.


  1. A 14 year old PBEM!? Amazing.

  2. i just asked the old rpg troupe and it seams that some of the early chronicles of ArM/DJ/RC (started 89-92) that i played on and off with university are still around in one form or another.


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